1 0 As your weapon rips into @'s arm, he screams in pain watching as his blood flows. 1 0 Blood foams from @'s mouth as your $ bursts into him! 1 0 Your $ obliterates @'s torso into shreds! 1 0 Spinning to the left, you blitz into @'s backarm! 1 0 Your $ lances past his weapon and chisels into his shoulder! 1 0 You catch his % and smash @ in the side of the head! 1 0 Ducking from his wide swing, your $ mangles his leg! 1 2 Fueled with fury, your $ blasts into @'s side! 1 2 #'s trips over his own feet as you hack down on him! 1 2 Grabbing his hair, you lift your $ into his terrorized face! 1 2 You lunge from your heels and slice into @'s legs! 1 2 Streams of blood spurt in plumes from his newly exposed vein! 1 2 # cries in anguish as chunks of his flesh smack to the ground! 1 2 With the brawn of a barbarian, you section off some flesh for a souvenir! 1 2 With great fervor, you hack into @! 1 2 As your war cry pierces the stagnant air, you catapult your $ into his midsection! 1 2 As quick as lightning, you explode into your disgusting opponent! 1 2 A strange milky fluid escapes from his flesh as you puncture his gut! 1 2 His steaming entrails foul the air as you bore into his gut! 1 2 Gathering your power, you crush into @'s ribs! 1 2 Your $ screams through the air as it lashes @! 1 2 With one eye sited, you quickly step in and stab at @! 1 2 Excited with fear, you wildly swing and dig into @! 1 2 Blood gushes from his neck as your $ erupts into him! 1 2 Your $ slices through the skin of your enemy as he steps back! 1 2 # confronts you with his attack, but you burst ahead into him! 1 2 You duck from @ and gorge into his back! 1 2 You spin to the right, clashing his attack and strike him in the chest! 1 2 # is dismayed in horror as your $ nips his face! 1 2 Your $ severs through your opponents leg! 1 2 With an insane attack, your $ eats into @! 1 2 You block @'s oncoming attack and counter with a stab! 1 2 Your $ propels through the air and bites into @! 1 2 With a sadistic smile, you zorro into @'s undefended body! 1 2 Your $ propels into @'s chest and wounds him! 1 2 Your full swing from overhead crashes down onto @! 1 2 #'s flesh slices like cake as your $ slashes in! 1 2 You sneak in a blow to his head and @ drifts in a daze! 1 2 You strike down on @ and draw blood from his shoulder! 1 2 You load off your shot with your $ and pierce his chest! 1 2 # hisses in terror as your $ lodges into his leg! 1 2 A stream of red sprays into your face as you decimate @! 1 2 Your $ ravishly rearranges @'s back! 1 2 Your attack splinters chunks of flesh from @'s chest! 1 2 Aimed precisely, your $ buries into @'s leg! 1 2 Your nostrils enflame as you wildly slash into @! 1 2 Parts of his flesh flap through the air as your $ erupts into him! 1 2 You swing violently and mash @'s head into the ground! 1 2 Your $ cleaves a crimson line across his throat! 1 2 He roars in anguish as your $ slices deeply into his midsection! 1 2 Steam pours from his wound as your $ slices deeply into his flesh! 1 2 With an evil smile, you snip your $ against his skull! 1 2 Chunks of bone fling into the air as you club him in the head! 1 2 Your weapon descends in a reverse arc and bites deeply into your opponent! 1 2 Your opponent thrashes empty air as you duck and whip your $ through his leg! 1 2 A cloud of blood sprays into the air as your $ ruptures into @! 1 2 Your $ burns white-hot as you drive it deeply into him! 1 2 With the face of an ogre, your $ crashes into his head! 1 2 With a wet thud, your $ cracks open the left side of his skull! 1 2 Blood splatters for twenty feet as your $ severs a major vein! 1 2 With a savage cry, you slam your weapon into his chest, crushing his ribs! 1 2 Your weapon pierces the outer layer of your opponents skin releasing a pungent odor! 1 2 You swing your $ into @'s head from above and listen as its spine cracks from the force of the compression! 1 2 You throw sand in his eyes and drive your weapon viciously down his throat! 1 2 You dodge @'s charge, turn and then bonk him on the head! 1 2 Your muscles ripple as you storm your $ into @! 1 2 As your $ screeches through the air towards your enemy's neck, he ducks, but the back of his head is shredded on the back-swing! 1 2 Searing the stagnant air with your heart-piercing war cry, you valiantly drive your $ into his chest! 1 2 You stoically portray a perfect cavalier as your $ bursts into @'s midsection! 1 2 A smooth swing and solid hit reveal squirming maggots and dead veins through- out @'s torso! 1 2 Armed with determination, you grapple your $ around his neck! 1 2 Your $ wreaks dire havoc on @'s hapless body! 1 2 #'s muzzle snaps around you as you deliver a painfully force- ful blow to his foaming chin! 1 2 Your weapon sings through the air landing in a dull crunch against his head! 1 2 As you drive your $ into @'s gut, an ugly red paste flows down your arm! 1 2 Your enraged opponent flails wildly as you drive your $ into his unthinking core! 3 0 You jab in for his stomach and then uppercut to his face! 3 0 Your hand submerges thru the face of @ as you retaliate! 3 0 Your fist blasts like a bullet, squaring @ directly in the face! 3 0 Your powerful fists ram into his ugly face! 3 0 You catch your enemy's arm by the wrist and nearly rip the joints out! 3 4 With a high leaping kick, you crush @ to the ground! 3 4 Your crusty nails scrape against @'s bloodshot eyes! 3 4 Your elbow crushes into @'s slobbering face! 3 4 You rip your fist up into @'s stomach! 3 4 With the face of an ogre, your fist crashes into his face! 3 4 You send @ flying as you counter with a 1-2 punch! 3 4 Your knuckles throb as you wap @ across the head! 3 4 Howling with fury, you administer a high kick to @'s head! 3 4 You throw sand in his eyes and then quickly drive your fist down his throat! 3 4 You dodge @'s charge, turn, and then bonk him on the head! 3 4 Your muscles ripple as you storm your fists into @! 3 4 As you wrestle with @, you deftly slam an iron-hard fist into his kidneys! 3 4 #'s muzzle snaps around you as you deliver a painfully force- ful blow to his foaming chin! 4 0 Your fists blasts against @'s hide! 4 0 Your powerful fists ram into his ugly hide! 5 0 In a surge of psychotic frenzy, he lunges at your face with his weapon! 5 0 Blood gushes from your neck as his % finishes the blow! 5 0 # strikes down on you and draws blood from your shoulder! 5 0 His % storms into your soft human skin! 5 0 His hideous attack catches you off-guard and ruptures into your ribs! 5 0 His reign of terror mortifies into your wounded arm! 5 0 You scream in anguish as his % slams into your chest! 5 0 # jumps over your wide swing and quickly counter attacks! 5 0 # extinguishes your defense and obliterates into your face! 5 0 Your defense fails as @ draws blood against your arm! 5 0 You gallantly try to evade his attack, but he rips into your arm! 5 0 Wide-eyed with terror, you watch as @ rips into your chest! 5 0 His seething black eyes hypnotize you as he impales into your midsection! 5 0 # thrashes his % against your side! 5 0 # savagely thrusts his % into your side as you let out a tormented cry! 5 0 He ducks just in time, laughs, and thrusts his % into your leg! 5 0 With lightning speed, @ slashes through your defenses ripping into your undefended abdomen! 5 0 You nearly pass out as @'s blow shatters your leg! 5 0 # drools happily as his % cuts into your ribs! 5 0 # screams his war-cry as he slams his % into your spine! 5 0 Your body writhes in agony as he slices off a nice chunk of your flesh! 5 0 You shriek in agony as @'s weapon explodes against your skull! 5 0 You grin as @ begs for mercy, but then without warning, he swings his % against you! 5 0 Blood froths around your lips as @ crushes into your ribs! 5 0 #'s % swiftly snips your lower torso! 5 0 His weapon roars past your face and cuts into your waist! 5 0 #'s blood-curdling war cry resounds in your ears as he lashes into you with a gut-wrenching fury! 5 0 Spurred by frustration and bloodlust, @ furiously retaliates, bludgeoning into your face! 5 0 Your martial skills prove all the worse as his % falls heavily into your back! 5 0 Though you hold a great advantage this round, @'s skills only prove more so as he hammers his % into your face! 5 0 As you lunge forward, he opens his huge maw and takes a large chunk of your precious flesh with him! 6 0 #'s gigantic claws prevent you from escaping his attack! 6 0 Moving at inhuman speeds, @ quickly jams his claws into your chest! 6 0 He rears up and kicks you sprawningly through the air! 6 0 He strangles your neck with his gigantic claws and whips you down! 6 0 # extinguishes your defense and obliterates into your face! 6 0 Your defense fails as @ draws blood against your arm. 6 0 You gallantly try to evade his attack, but he rips into your arm! 6 0 His seething black eyes hypnotize you as he rips into your midsection! 6 0 You hear your bones crunch as @ bites into your arm! 6 0 With lightning speed, @ slashes through your defenses ripping into your unprotected abdomen! 6 0 You nearly pass out as @'s blow shatters your leg! 6 0 You scream as @ whips your arm behind you and rips the cartilage in your shoulder! 6 0 The saliva from @'s teeth burn your back as he bites into you! 6 0 Blood froths around your lips as @ crushes into your ribs! 6 0 # hammers his deadly jaws into your head! 6 0 His stoic and battle-hardened features intimidate you as he plants a large claw firmly on your chest! 6 0 As you lunge forward, he opens his huge maw and takes a large chunk of your precious flesh with him! 6 0 With his body belying his abnormal strength, your enraged adversary grasps your neck tightly! 7 0 You swing your $ overhead but his % catches on guard. 7 0 His % speeds in front of your weapon to avoid the blow. 7 0 Sparks explode as your $ solidly meets his %. 7 0 With a horrific crash, his % blocks your $. 7 8 You clash heads for a moment, but his strength pushes you away. 7 8 A clean miss causes @ to take the offensive quickly. 7 8 # tantalizes you as he jousts your $ away. 7 8 Your $ slips from your grip as you miss @. 7 8 You strike down on @ but he quickly blocks the blow. 7 8 You entangle in a violent manner, but he manages to throw you back. 7 8 You drive @ backward but spill no blood this round. 7 8 He tears away from your attack and enflames into an insane frenzy. 7 8 Your aim is a little off as you near miss @'s head. 7 8 Your $ streaks past him in a vain miss. 7 8 You wretch in disgust as your feeble shot misses @. 7 8 # swiftly meets your $ and restrains the attack. 7 8 # easily evades your attack and confronts your position. 7 8 His fluid motions avail over your brute strength as he slaps your $ to the ground. 7 8 You take upon yourself a defensive position to rest for this round. 7 8 # ducks from your slicing weapon and laughs. 9 0 His % snips by your fists, fending off your attack. 9 0 His wild-swinging % keeps you from advancing. 9 10 # blocks your fists and lunges in for his attack. 9 10 Your fists fall short of his face and only rip through air. 9 10 # ducks and eludes your attempt to hit him. 9 10 # destroys your open attack and evades your fists. 9 10 # easily evades your attack and confronts your position. 9 10 # easily evades your attack and confronts your position. 10 0 His wild-swinging claws keep you from advancing. 10 0 His claws snips by your face, fending off your attack. 11 0 You vault to the left as his armament ricochets off your shoulder. 11 0 After a quick move, you dodge his slicing %. 11 0 You knock his % from his grasp, but he quickly retrieves it. 11 0 #'s attack is off as you scamper through his legs! 11 0 # clumsily drops his % and you advance in the attack. 11 0 # clashes against you, but your strength pushes him back. 11 0 You catch his % and retire his offensive attack. 11 0 "Hahaha!" you yell as @ misses with his %. 11 0 #'s % sings by your ear. 11 0 # roars in frustration as his % hits nothing but air. 11 0 As @ hacks at you, your arms sweep up his legs and he crashes to the ground. 11 0 You flip high over his attack and land safely out of his reach. 11 12 You duck just in time to miss @'s vicious attack. 11 12 Your swift moves avoid @'s berserking attack. 11 12 You dodge @'s massive attack and confront him. 11 12 He pauses for a moment to catch his breath and doesn't attack. 11 12 You roll onto the ground in reflex as @ misses his attack. 11 12 # frantically searches for an escape route. 11 12 # swings wildly through the air but barely misses you. 11 12 You repel @'s vicious attack and kick him away. 11 12 You leap to the right as @ wimpishly strikes down on you. 11 12 You abruptly dive back as @ crashes his weapon to the ground. 11 12 #'s reckless attack hits nothing but gloomy air. 12 0 You block @'s claws and quickly relay for the attack. 12 0 #'s claws come dreadfully close to your neck. 12 0 # frantically searches for an escape route. 12 0 You repel @'s vicious attack and kick him away. 12 0 You leap to the right as @ wimpishly strikes down on you. 12 0 You escape @'s attack by a backwards somersault. 12 0 # throws you to the ground, but you block his thrashing blow. 12 0 He screams in utter chaotic fury as you deftly leap over his rampant swing.